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Rectification coverage

Rectification coverage is a unique coverage part provided by Victor.

Rectification coverage is a unique coverage part provided by Victor. It is a first-party insurance that covers the costs a contractor, or a design professional that has assumed responsibility for construction, incurs in correcting a design defect that is discovered after the construction is put in place but before it actually results in a professional liability claim.

With this coverage in place, a contractor, or a design professional that has assumed responsibility for construction, has the funding to correct the error and keep the project moving without having to file a claim and establish negligence.

It can help resolve a circumstance faster and without creating animosity between the insured and their client.

Rectification coverage is included in Victor's Architects and Engineers professional liablility policy and Victor's General Contractors professional liability policy.

Check out our claim scenario, Rectification, party of two, for an example of rectification coverage in action. 

To learn more, email or connect with your business development contact.

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